Sunday, July 11, 2010

WISH card challenge end of week nine

Another week completed.

Everyone in the house shared a virus, with a bonus ear infection for me thrown in. It meant that we've stayed close to home for the week and have only spent on some petrol and fresh fruit.

Any money saved through no shopping was spent on doctor visits and prescriptions this week.  It's also meant no posts from me as I have stayed away from the computer.

I expect that a massive shop will be needed this week. We're pretty much out of all fruit and veg. We have an onion, two carrots, three apples, some mandarins and kiwi fruit left.
The freezer was a godsend this week as we had a number of ready meals in there and it meant that GuitarMan could heat something up if I didn't feel up to cooking. Thanks to my freezer inventory I knew exactly what we had and where to find it.

Our spending was $83.79 this week as we only bought some petrol plus fruit. I expect to spend at least $150 this week.  I'm dtermined to stretch what's left of the WISH cards to the end of twelve weeks.  Should make for some interesting meals!

Nothing spent from the stockpile money, but haven't added to it as there's enough in there at the moment.  Will have to do a shop for some of my stockpile soon as I'm almost out of a number of our staples.

Week nine, day seven

Gift cards $349.85
Stockpile $237.50
Spent so far $1550.15

Average spend: $172.23 per week

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