Now that's probably a multi-million dollar question. If only I was armed with the answer in my teens when my working life started.
One of the reasons for this blog is to be a record for my daughter TootToot (her name of choice when she was two). May TootToot be armed with the knowledge it's taken her parents 40 plus years to find.
The dictionary definition of frugal is
1.economical in use or expenditure; prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful: a frugal manager.
2.entailing little expense; requiring few resources; meager; scanty: a frugal meal.
Another way to describe our life choices would be thrifty
1.practicing thrift or economical management; frugal: a thrifty shopper.
2.thriving, prosperous, or successful.
3.thriving physically; growing vigorously.
Please note dear TootToot that nowhere is there mention of being tight, cheap or mean. Remember that GuitarMan and I are none of those things. You are so kind, giving and generous of heart that I expect you won't be either.
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